Christians should not be looking for signs and omens to direct their lives. This would even include the astrological horoscopes often found in the printed media. I know they seem like harmless, innocent fun; but they’re not. Like all occult … Continue reading
Category Archives: Christian Living
The Bread of Life and Living Water, we eat and drink for our nourishment. From these we gain the strength to finish the journey. Adorned with the right covering, too, is essential for this road we travel. For there are … Continue reading
We Christians acknowledge that Satan rules the world’s culture. It is his influence that is causing strife, immorality, and the devaluing of life. In 2 Corinthians 4: 4, he is even referred to as the (small “g”) god of this … Continue reading
The command in Matt. 22: 39 to love others as ourselves, means that it’s okay to love ourselves. The love commanded, of course, must be talking about a supernatural love. That’s because the natural love we have for ourselves smacks … Continue reading
From what we know in recorded scripture, I think it’s safe to say that Jesus didn’t have a secular job during His public ministry. This was a convenience that allowed Him to stay in touch with our Father. Of course, … Continue reading
The law of sin resides in the members of our bodies. Then there is the law of the Spirit of life which resides in our minds. That there is a tug of war between the two is a good thing. … Continue reading
There have been times that things have gone horribly wrong when Christians worked together in business. Let’s say, for example, that one of the parties committed fraud. Money and time was lost, bad feelings ensued, and off to court the … Continue reading
In the Christian’s life, love means action. And that’s without necessarily having positive feelings towards others in the beginning. As an example, when God tells us to love our enemies, I take that to mean that some action must be … Continue reading
Heard this question in passing: “How can one give all to God and have anything left over for the spouse?” I’m thinking that if both are equally yoked as believers, each will be able to give all to the other … Continue reading
Jeremiah 17: 5—Thus says the Lord, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.” Micah 7: 5—“Do not trust in a neighbor; do not have confidence in … Continue reading
Taking up your cross doesn’t have anything to do with financial worries, medical conditions, familial obligations, and other ordinary everyday stresses of life. These things are common to unbelievers and believers alike. The requirement to daily take up the cross … Continue reading
Consecrated to God doesn’t mean eating nothing but soup for two weeks, as a former co-worker once declared. Nor is it being dedicated to the church activities we perform; although consecration could include these things. But activities in and of … Continue reading
When facing temptation, don’t entertain it and don’t determine to fight it on your own. To do so is to have to focus on it with your own strength, rather than calling on the Lord. God wants us to look … Continue reading