Prayer is an opportunity God gives us to draw closer to Him. Though He knows what’s on our minds, He also knows how much it will benefit us to verbalize our thoughts and feelings. That we see Him as a … Continue reading
Through the years, whenever I heard of a suicide, I’d wonder how come the person didn’t just remove themselves from their circumstances by moving away rather than killing themselves. Obviously, that kind of thinking is naïve. One can’t run away … Continue reading
Another posting from one of my favorite poets… God Will Prevail by Deborah Ann Belka It’s not about the fall, or the number of times we fail it’s about getting back up and letting our faith prevail. It’s … Continue reading
I am warmth itself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, which touch not the ground, though I stand. My senses are elevated too. Here outside, coming from within the courts, is a surround symphony … Continue reading
Many ignore Jesus’ declaration that He will return for us. Instead, they say that when Christians die, they go straight to heaven in spirit form. When Jesus returns, they continue, our spirits return with Him in order to reunite with … Continue reading
The Catholic Church has done a magnificent job over the centuries, publically proclaiming itself as the mother church of all Christian churches. My head is still reeling over the attention given it because of its newly elected leader, Pope Francis. … Continue reading
The caller wanted to know why most Christians keep the 1st day of the week as the Sabbath rather than the 7th day, as called for in the Ten Commandment Law. One of the TV panelists, a pastor, responded that … Continue reading
“I can accept Jesus and I want to be baptized, but I don’t want to be part of a church.” When I heard that, it brought to mind declarations made by others throughout my life that were somewhat similar. They … Continue reading
There was a man who had worked all of his life, had saved all of his money, and was a real miser when it came to his money. Just before he died, he said to his wife, “When I die, … Continue reading
Research shows that there isn’t a contradiction in the following two accounts depicting Saul of Tarsus’ encounter with Jesus’ voice on Damascus Rd: Acts 9: 7 says that those accompanying Saul heard the voice that spoke to him. Acts 22: … Continue reading
Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to him whose life is bitter. Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his trouble no more. Proverbs 31: 6, 7. It’s best that a Christian not indulge … Continue reading
John 3: 13—“No one has ascended into heaven, but He who has descended from Heaven: the Son of Man.” This verse is often pointed out, especially by worldly critics, as an example of scripture contradicting itself. They say how can … Continue reading
Sometimes our day was just meant to be, as evidenced by the following given to me by my friend, Hermya. Me: God, can I ask you a question? God: Sure. Me: Promise you won’t get mad? God: I promise. Me: … Continue reading
The more we get to know the Lord, self-awareness of our sinful nature is increased and the number of sins decreased, especially the conscious ones. This seems to be the normal condition of Christians growing in their sanctification. Then there … Continue reading
If someone cites Romans 10: 4 and tells you that it means the Law ended with Jesus, it’s probably because that person isn’t familiar with the meaning of the Greek word from which the word ”end” is translated. Here’s the … Continue reading
Some believe that the seven days during the world’s creation were figurative, symbolic days; each day lasting for a period of a thousand years, or more. I believe the creation days during that week were seven, literal, 24 hour days. … Continue reading
Mark Twain was asked, so the story goes, if he was concerned about things in the Bible that he didn’t understand. His reply was “I’m more concerned about the things I understand, but am not living up to.” Don’t know … Continue reading
God makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good. He sends His rain to fall on the just and the unjust. It is in this context – the sun and rain signifying His love – that we … Continue reading
There are three phrases in the Bible that some have attached to Jesus’ origin. They have been interpreted in such a way as to deny Jesus’ eternal divinity, making Him out to be a created being. Here’s why that’s not … Continue reading
During the fascinating news coverage of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, several times it was mentioned that the popes are part of a long line of succession dating back to the apostle Peter. In fact, Peter is referred to by Catholics … Continue reading
I pray this poem will warm your soul. No Regrets or Remorse by Cindy Wyatt The sufferings we go through now will seem as nothing when compared with the glory that does await when this earthly life is over and we … Continue reading