Poetic (#14)

Today’s guest writer answers the question: “Does it cost you to encourage or pray for someone?”

The Cost of Encouragement

By Emily Van rijn

It doesn’t cost a single cent
To speak a word of encouragement.
It doesn’t cost to give some cheer
To someone who is in despair. 
There’s no price for saying a prayer
For someone who is filled with care.
Words and prayer take time and thought,
But definitely don’t have to be bought.


We all can certainly afford
Kind and loving, encouraging words.
Words and prayers are absolutely free—
So why not use them as much as can be?


You may have to watch what you spend,
But it doesn’t cost to encourage a friend.
So go and encourage someone today–
You can brighten their day by what you say.



You can contact me at emily_lauridsen@yahoo.co.nz

I like to write in the few spare moments that I get as a busy mother. My first book is being published at the moment.


Article Source:  http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

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