First, the Presbyterian Church USA allowed gay clergy in its pulpits and for its ministers to perform so-called same sex marriages. Now, the United Methodist Church is considering doing the same in a proposal affirmed a couple of weeks ago. The proposal’s legislative language will be voted on this coming May by the denomination’s church counsel called The Connectional Table (CT). If adopted by the CT, the legislation would ultimately have to be decided during the church’s 2016 General Conference.
Concerning this new direction, one of the CT’s minister/legislative writers had this to say…
“We’ve tried to allow some exercise of conscience, to allow for varying beliefs, to allow for varying practices within different contexts, and to open a space for grace where people can live together in unity with their different beliefs.”
Another minister said…
“In its own way, it says the Spirit is not done with us on this matter yet. It’s clear because of our disagreement we need to allow for us to gain a sense of clarity for how the Spirit is leading.”
That’s all hogwash. Deep down, what all this amounts to is a desire for the church to conform to the ways of the world; a way to seem relevant in today’s society. It is ignoring the way God wants to position his body of believers, which is to present an alternative way of living that’s clean and contrary to the world’s culture. If the church is going to be the same as the world, then the church may as well not exist.
It is absolutely incredible to me that a so-called minister of God would think that the Spirit would approve of gay pastors, and of any leader in the church performing so-called same sex marriages. For the Spirit to do so, He would be contradicting His own written Word concerning God’s well-known view of homosexual practice.
That this kind of thinking can take root among believers is one more proof-example that Satan, with a Christian face, has joined the church and fights against God from within. Recognizing who is behind this proposal should add extra motivation to stopping it. However, if the proposal comes to fruition; then those who don’t want to compromise their belief – by accommodating such immoral behavior – should do as some of their Presbyterian brothers and sisters did: leave the denomination.
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. 1 Timothy 4: 1
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12: 2