According to Matthew 16: 27, each of us will be rewarded for what we have done. This doesn’t mean that we have to perform works in order to be saved, though. However, it does mean that “saved by faith” will naturally sprout a bouquet of works. And the Lord is ready to help us blossom. He has given us the resources to carry out the good works that were planned for us beforehand (Ephesians 2: 10). What are those works? And what will be our reward?
The resources we have even before coming to Christ are our God-given natural abilities, both physical and mental. As such, we can also count whatever money we accumulate and the prioritizing of our time as jewels in our bounty,
Then there are the spiritual riches given to us. We have God’s Word, gifts from the Holy Spirit, and the power of God’s grace to experience and utilize both the natural and supernatural.
From the principles seen in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) and the parable that included the faithful servant (Luke 12: 42-44), we have been shown that God entrusts us to faithfully manage and use wisely the resources we have; and not just for ourselves. 1 Peter 4: 10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
The works from each of us, of course, will be different. But what is the same for all of us is God’s expectation; that is, the purpose of our works should be “This is the evidence of God’s existence and compassion; therefore take just as real His call to salvation.” In other words, our works are to glorify God’s love and righteousness.
As for our reward, it is written that Jesus will compensate us according to what we have done (Matthew 16: 27). The Bible doesn’t specify what those returns might be, except for one thing. Still, we do know this: More than we’ve ever managed here on this earth, abundantly more will be given us to preside over throughout eternity (Matthew 13: 11, 12; Luke 12: 42-44).
As said, the Bible does specifically mention one reward, and it’s a monumental one— the best even. It is to have spoken to us upon entering heaven, these treasured words from the Almighty, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25: 21.