Where was Adam when Eve conversed with the serpent and ate forbidden fruit from the Tree of Life? I’ve come across three viewpoints concerning this matter. Each is based on a phrase within Genesis 3: 6 that says, “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” The phrase the viewpoints are based on is “who was with her.”
First viewpoint. Adam was in the vicinity, close enough to be considered “with Eve,” but far enough away that he couldn’t hear the conversation.
Second viewpoint. Adam was “with Eve” as the serpent talked.
Third viewpoint. Eve found Adam who wasn’t in sight, and then gave Adam the fruit once he was “with her.”
The third viewpoint is the one I go along with because I think it goes more to explaining 1Timothy 2: 14. It says Eve was deceived, but not Adam; meaning Adam had nothing to do with the serpent. He didn’t hear the conversation, nor did he see the conversation taking place.
Even so, that still brings to mind another question. If Eve was deceived and not Adam, why does the Bible tell us that death entered the world through Adam’s sin? After all, Eve sinned first.
The answer would have to be that Adam, being created first, was the head of mankind (1 Timothy 2: 13). He was our corporate representative. We all resided in his loins. Therefore, when he sinned – not because he was deceived, but because he disobeyed – that sin, along with death, was transmitted to humanity (Romans 5: 12).