Poetic (#17)

Today’s guest writer gives us a a poem about the God of the Universe, Creator of all that is, who identifies with us, knowing just how we feel.

Where is There a God like Jesus?

by Ramona Cook

The word is too weak.
It fails to express the
description that I seek.
What word is available
that will correctly
describe the wonder,
the amazement,
that I feel inside?


I’m left with a pause,
and scanning of my mind,
searching, searching,
but nothing there I find
to say how wonderfully
loving and amazingly kind
is a God Who formed the
Plan to Himself become
a man.


Walking on the earth
like me, with ears that hear
and with eyes that see;
knowing Himself just how
I feel when my feet are tired
or when my heart is grieved.
Where is there a God like Jesus,
Who knows who I am, and still
left Heavens Glory to become a Man?


What I say is, “Thank You Lord,”
but the words do not express
the feelings that I feel inside,
the awe in me possessed;
and still, the knowing
of the Plan that You
Yourself devised to become
one like us, walking on
this earth, by many despised,
to be our representative,
as for our sins You died.


You did exactly what You
said to Father Abraham,
that You would provide
Yourself, a Sacrificial Lamb.
Thank You, thank You,
again and again I say
knowing that what You
want from me in return is
that Your love I do not spurn.


I accept Your sacrifice, I receive
Your Love, and I will walk
close to You, knowing that
You understand how it feels
to be an earthling,
a flesh and body man, and
yet You remain The God of Heaven,
indeed, the Universe!
Where is there a God like Jesus?


Ramona: 09/12/2013

Ramona, Master of Arts in Ministry, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

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