Sex can be had at any time. I saw it being made available during the six years I drove a taxi. The sex givers, though not for free, were women on the street.
Then there is television and the movie theatres portraying sex as a common exchange that’s supposed to happen between friends and/or newly made acquaintances. And that’s exactly the way sex is treated in real life; as though it’s a handshake.
That is the way of the pagan life. God’s people are to turn from the world’s promise of instant sexual pleasure and gratification. Such is reserved for the marriage bed.
Be aware, should you become attracted to lips of honey, that it is the would-be destroyer of our souls that is behind the oily words coming from that innocent looking face that is tempting you. This became a reality for me about two-three months after my conversion when, as a baby Christian, I backslid.
After having had sex, the woman I was seeing returned a few days later. In the interim, feeling guilty, I had gone to a nearby church, fell on my knees, and asked the Lord for forgiveness. I had also confessed my transgression to members of my small group.
I told the woman what I had done; that I wanted to live for the Lord. And upon saying that, I’ll never forget it. Her face darkened, and the darkness, as though alive, retreated past her hairline. It was like I was viewing a special effect.
I sensed it was an evil spirit that was using her to try and destroy me.
We should flee from and not make any provision for sexual immorality. For the person who offers sex, man or woman, prostitute or otherwise, isn’t thinking about, nor knows about the path they’re on.
To engage with such a one is to follow their footsteps down to the grave, and to be raised to condemnation.