Heard this question in passing: “How can one give all to God and have anything left over for the spouse?”
I’m thinking that if both are equally yoked as believers, each will be able to give all to the other by each putting God first. That common goal would draw the two together into one flesh with one mind united to God. They would be in God and God in them.
The husband and wife would have no interest in taking away anything from the other. Instead, like the Trinity, their oneness would be a love that is only interested in giving to and enjoying each other.
That is why God wants us to put Him first; so that we may enjoy the blessing of His shared love—a love that is patient, kind, and is not jealous; a love that does not seek its own, and bears and endures all things.
Give all to the Creator, and He will give back more than enough love needed for a marriage—to Him and to each other.
Yeah, I know some will say, “What do you know, Mr. Single Guy?” Single I am, but I know what I know because it’s obvious. What I’m saying is the way it’s supposed to be, and can be, and will be, if one is sincerely serious about this Christianity thing.
To make the Christian marriage, or any other Christian relationship work, each believer must be humble and broken before the Lord; willing to give up self to God’s righteousness and wisdom.
Humbleness and brokenness leads to one receiving the key; the answer as to how to fully experience the Christian life in marriage; no matter the issue, no matter the problem. The key available to both has the label SURRENDER written on it. Each partner must surrender to the Holy Spirit, for it is He who is able to impart the thoughts, feelings, motives, and strength of Christ Jesus.
Husband and wife; yours is the holiest and most admirable of human relationships. Seek and pray to love God with all your heart, mind, and strength; with all your soul. Do this, placing Him first in your lives. Consequently, there will be no such thing as being second fiddle in your spouse’s life. Each will love the the other equally, having become one in God.