Before there was a universe, God, who is spiritual and outside of time, saw that He would create a physical realm in which to carry out an infinite plan. He must have determined that for this realm to be taken care of properly, His ways of government would have to be exercised. That then would require creating physical beings who would be of His image; reflecting His righteous character.
Also, seeing the end from the beginning, God had to have seen that sin would enter this world as the result of creating us and giving us free will. My thinking is that if it hadn’t been Adam and Eve, someone, somewhere in eternity, would have deigned to question and break from God. My guess, God knowing that sin was to come – that it was inevitable – is that He determined to allow sin to have its season, knowing afterwards He would then be able to carry forth His original purpose for creating us.
This couldn’t have been an easy, nonchalant decision. For God, as we know, hates sin. Probably, He even considered not creating the human race so as to not let sin come into existence on this planet. But, looking into time, He saw that we were to be in order to move His divine plan forward.
Not forsaking us, but to help us, because we had no choice in being born into sin; God in His mercy provided a way for us to be restored to Him. He determined that we could be saved from sin’s aberration of reality by giving us a choice. That choice is to return to Him or to reject Him.
So that the choices would be clearly defined, God introduced alongside Satan’s government of sin, His government of righteousness, as seen in the personification of Himself— Christ Jesus.
Therefore, if things transpired as I have suggested, it seems to me that if sin hadn’t been allowed to come into existence, we, free-will beings, wouldn’t have come into existence.